Inside the Asylum

Revision as of 01:57, 12 August 2020 by historia>ZanyDragon

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Inside the Asylum
General information
AKA Abbey of the Mad Monks, Dungeon
Chalice Yes
Enemies Zombies, Headless Zombies, Patients, Bats
Chronological information
Previous level The Asylum Grounds
Next level The Enchanted Earth
Location on Land Map
The Asylum Grounds

Inside the Asylum (地下牢, Chika rō) is a level in MediEvil.


Walkthrough by iCABALi

Walkthrough by Mirrorstar

As you drop down, the top gate will open. Kill all those zombies. Then, both the left and right gates will open. Kill all those zombies. Last, the trap door will open and you can drop down to the next room.

Be careful as the two cannons on the wall do aim for you, so keep moving. The gate on the left will open. Kill all those zombies. Then, the top gate will open. Kill all those zombies. Then, the right gate will open. Kill all those zombies. Then, zombies will come out of all three gates. Kill them all and the door in the upper left will open.

As you drop into this room, notice the two holes in the wall. Bats come out of them. You can kill the bats, but they do not increase your Chalice percentage. At first, the slower zombies drop into the room. After enough zombies enter the room, an ENERGY VIAL will drop down for you in the top of the room. Continue killing the slower zombies. Once they are all gone, faster zombies drop into the room. Kill them all. Then, at the bottom of the room, several items will drop for you to collect: a BAG OF COINS, a CHEST OF COINS, a BAG OF COINS, a SILVER SHIELD, and a BAG OF COINS. The trap door leading out will also have opened, so drop down into the next room.

At first, you will be attacked by madmen. Run all around the room to make sure you kill them all. Then, items will appear for you. From the double doors, going left, you then find a BAG OF COINS, an ENERGY VIAL, a MERCHANT GARGOYLE in a cell, and another ENERGY VIAL. More madmen and zombies will appear. Kill them all and the double doors will open. Stand next to the circle in the middle of the room, press and hold R2 and L2, then look down to see a picture. Exit the room.

Be careful of the cannons on the wall as they do aim for you. Do not fall into the stream of lava or you will lose what is in your life meter. At first, you must deal with the madmen on the left. Zombies will start to appear on the right, and zombies will follow the madmen on the left. Kill everything on your side, then jump over the stream of lava and kill the zombies there. Then, madmen and zombies should rush out on both sides and a chest should drop down for you. The chest has a skull and crossbones on it. Hit to it release the time bomb, then jump back over onto the left side to run away from the time bomb. That time bomb should kill all the rest for you. Jump back over onto the right and exit through the doorway that just opened up for you.

On your side, you find a BAG OF COINS on the floor, a BAG OF COINS on a table, the CHALICE, and the EARTH RUNE. Drop down and jump up onto the other side to find a FOUNTAIN. Walk into the green hand of the cell to use the Earth Rune, then enter the cell. The Mayor should speak to you and then the exit door will open. Pick up the DRAGON GEM from off of the table in the cell. Exit this room in the upper left.



File:MayorChar.png The Town Mayor
Plump local businessman and self-proclaimed pillar of the community, a collector of antiquities and votes is the Town Mayor.
File:MerChar.png Merchant Gargoyles
These miserable creatures exist only to drain brave heroes of their treasure. However, they must always offer something in return. If you see one of these merchant gargoyles on your travels, see if they have anything to offer that might be of use to you.


File:PatientEnem.png Patients
It is a well-known fact that one should try to sympathize with the lunatic madmen of Gallowmere asylum. However after suffering an endless volley of painful head butts from these nuts, it would be easy to take issue with such well-meaning advice.
File:BatEnem.png Bats
Bats are present throughout most of the world, performing vital ecological roles of pollinating flowers and dispersing fruit seeds. They also enjoy attacking cowardly skeletons that happen to cross  their path.
File:HeadlessEnem.png Headless Zombies
The lack of head has not prevented these aggressive characters from perfecting a devastating charge attack. This shoulder butt can impart tremendous damage, and so the perceptive adventurer should focus on sidestepping each stampeding assailant before rounding on them to attack fast with the melee weapon of his choice.
File:ZomEnem.png Zombies
Your common or garden zombie is a slow witted goon head of monumental proportions. It seems a shame to hurt such feeble minded weapon fodder, but they will likely insist on trying to bar one's progress and eat one's brains. A few well placed sword swipes are the order of the day, which should effectively teach them to mind their own business.


Weapons and shields






Main article: Speeches in MediEvil

The Town Mayor (level exit)

19 Town Mayor By 'eck, am I glad to see you! That Zarok tried to force me to hand over the Shadow Artefact - he means to release the Demons from their tomb under the Enchanted Forest.
But I said to him, I said 'You can't touch me, you lanky windbag, I'm the mayor.Aye, that told him... But then he had me locked up in here with all these nutters. Oh, it's been terrible - I haven't managed to get a word of sense out of anyone in weeks!
153 Sir Daniel Fortesque Tell me about it!
120 Town Mayor Right, well I'll see myself out, thanks. You have a good look around, lad, Zarok's left some stuff lying about that I think you might find useful.
143 Sir Daniel Fortesque Great!



  • The level was originally meant to feature Morten the Worm in a side-viewed platform section.[1]
  • The final iteration of the level was inspired by the Smash TV video game.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1   Interview with Chris Sorrell on MediEvil Boards. Published May 7, 2013.

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