Gavin the Golden

Gavin the Golden was one of nineteen lost souls trapped inside a chest by Zarok the Sorcerer. Sir Dan freed him and laid him to rest.

Gavin the Golden
Flavour text Mellowmede Mine's Lethal Crystal
Type Lost Soul
Gender Male
Found in The Asylum Grounds
Used in The Crystal Caves
Appears in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)
Lost and Found Lost and Found
Find all the Lost Souls.
Soul Savior Soul Savior
Lay all the Lost Souls to rest.
"A giant crystal fried my flesh. Hate it when that happens! There's some gold left on my body, but that crystal may not hand it over so easily."
― Gavin the Golden, upon being found.


Gavin was fried by a crystal in the Crystal Caves. His treasure was left behind in the cave, and in death, he wished for someone to claim it.



Gavin the Golden can be found in the Asylum Grounds. He is found in a small corner of the garden with the elephant-shaped hedge.

Laying to rest

"There's my treasure, right where I left it. My body's right where I left it too! Treasure's all yours, if you can take it!"
― Gavin, upon being brought to the correct place.

Dan must travel to the mines of Mellowmede and unleash the soul near the giant golden crystal. Dan must gather all the bags of Treasure that drop while avoiding the energy beams stemming from the crystal.

"You've got better luck than me, Sir Dan. Or maybe just less skin to fry."
― Gavin, shortly before being laid to rest.

Behind the scenes


This lost soul is named after Gavin Wood, a VFX artist on the remake.

In other languages

Language Official Name
Arabic غافين" الذهبي
ghafin" aldhahabi
Bulgarian Златния Галвин
Zlatniya Galvin
Croatian Gavin Zlatni
Czech Zlatý Gavin
Danish Gavin den Gyldne
Dutch Golden Gavin
Finnish Gavin kultainen
French (France) Derek le Doré
German Gavin der Goldene
Greek Gavin ο Χρυσός
Gavin o Chrysós
Hungarian Arany Gavin
Italian Gavin il dorato
Japanese 黄金のギャビン
Kogane no gyabin
Norwegian Gavin den gylne
Polish Złoty Gavin
Portuguese (Brazil) Gavin, o Dourado
Portuguese (Portugal) Gavin, o Grelhado
Romanian Gavin cel Gălbior
Russian Золотой Гэвин
Zolotoy Gevin
Spanish (LatAm) Doroteo, el dorado
Spanish (Spain) Midas, el Dorado
Swedish Den gyllene Gavin
Turkish Altın Gavin


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