Pools Of The Ancient Dead

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    (Redirected from Pools of the Ancient Dead)
    Pools Of The Ancient Dead
    General information
    Chalice Yes
    Enemies Ghouls, Tentacles, Armoured Knights, Mud Knights
    Music (original) IG6
    Music (remake) Necromancer's Finest
    FMV before level 5AV
    Chronological information
    Level number 14.
    Previous level The Enchanted Earth
    Next level The Lake
    Location on Land Map
    The Lake    
    Sir Daniel Fortesque
    The Enchanted Earth
    MediEvil (1998 original)
    King of Cups King of Cups
    Collect all the Chalice rewards.
    Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead
    Collect every Life Bottle.
    Sneaky Sneaky
    Finish any level outside of Dan's Crypt without defeating any enemies or taking damage.
    MediEvil (2019 remake)
    King of Cups King of Cups
    Collect all the chalice rewards.
    Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead
    Collect every Life Bottle.
    Deathly Smorgasbord Deathly Smorgasbord
    Die 7 different ways.
    "The Battle of Gallowmere is long past, but an army of the undead still marches through these muddy plains. Try not to trip on your own grave!"
    ― Loading screen description

    Pools Of The Ancient Dead is the fourteenth level in MediEvil. It is where the Battle of Gallowmere was fought against Zarok, 100 years prior to the events of MediEvil; presumably, it was here where Sir Dan was killed. It has since become inundated with large quantities of water, converting it into a swamp, filled with undead soldiers. Dan talks to the Boat Man here, who says he will take Dan to the sunken town of Mellowmede if Dan brings him eight lost souls.


    Book of Gallowmere



    Not in the book




    Main article: Books in MediEvil

    Book 1

    Weapons are useless against the heavy armour of the knights. Don't let them shove you in the swamp - that mud will never come out.


    In other languages

    MediEvil (1998 original)

    MediEvil (2019 remake)

    Language Official Name
    Arabic ”برك الموتى القدامى”
    "brak almawtaa alqudamaa"
    Bulgarian Блатата на древните мъртви
    Blatata na drevnite mŭrtvi
    Croatian Mlake drevnih mrtvih
    Czech Tůně starých mrtvých
    Danish De Gamle Dødes Vandhuller
    Dutch Poelen van de Oude Doden
    Finnish Muinaiskalmojen altaat
    French (France) Zone des Anciens défunts
    German Totentümpel
    Greek Οι Βάλτοι των Αρχαίων Νεκρών
    Oi Váltoi ton Archaíon Nekrón
    Hungarian A rég holtak tavai
    Italian Le paludi dei morti viventi
    Japanese 死者たちの沼
    Shisha-tachi no numa
    Norwegian Bassenger av oldtidens døde
    Polish Stawy pradawnych umarłych
    Portuguese (Brazil) Águas dos Mortos Ancestrais
    Portuguese (Portugal) Poças dos Mortos Antigos
    Romanian Gropile Morților Antici
    Russian Заводи древних мертвецов
    Zavodi drevnikh mertvetsov
    Spanish (LatAm) Ciénagas de los Muertos Antiguos
    Spanish (Spain) Las Ciénagas de los antiguos muertos
    Swedish De Uråldriga Dödas Dammar
    Turkish Kadim Ölülerin Gölcükleri


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