Graveyard Wolves

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    (Redirected from Graveyard Wolf)
    Graveyard Wolf
    Conservation status
    Extinct (1386)
    Gameplay information
    Soul type Minor Evil
    Health 48 HP[1]
    Damage dealt[1] All attacks: 18 HP
    Sharpness 18 Weight 0 Fire 0 Magic 0
    Damage taken[1] Sharpness Standard (1x)

    Weight Standard (1x)

    Fire Standard (1x)

    Magic Standard (1x)

    Behind the scenes information
    Appears in
    Wikipedia also has an article on

    The Graveyard Wolves were a family of wolves living past the Skull Gates of the Graveyard.


    The Evernight

    By 1386, Gallowmere's wolves had been hunted to the point of extinction by vengeful farmers.[2][2.1] The last family of wolves had made their home in Gallowmere's Graveyard, but was slaughtered by Sir Daniel Fortesque after they attacked him for passing through their territory.



    The wolves are usually found sleeping, which gives Daniel a great fighting advantage. Once they awaken, they are quite dangerous. They can move rather quickly and their attacks are stronger than that of the zombies.

    Behind the scenes


    MediEvil (1998 original)

    In early pre-release versions of MediEvil from 1997, such as the MediEvil Rolling Demo, wolves appeared in The Graveyard and The Sleeping Village levels.[3]


    In other languages


    They are known as Graveyard Wolves in the game.

    Language Official Name
    Arabic ذئاب المقبرة
    dhiaab almaqbara
    Bulgarian Вълци от Гробището
    Vŭltsi ot Grobishteto
    Croatian Vukovi s groblja
    Czech Vlci ze hřbitova
    Danish Gravpladsulve
    Dutch Grafwolven
    Finnish Hautausmaan sudet
    French (France) Loups du Cimetière
    German Friedhofswölfe
    Greek Λύκοι του Νεκροταφείου
    Lýkoi tou Nekrotafeíou
    Hungarian Temetői farkasok
    Italian Lupi del cimitero
    Japanese 死肉喰らいの狼
    Shi niku kurai no ōkami
    Norwegian Gravplassulver
    Polish Wilki cmentarne
    Portuguese (Brazil) Lobos do Cemitério
    Portuguese (Portugal) Lobos do Cemitério
    Romanian Lupii din cimitir
    Russian Кладбищенские волки
    Kladbishchenskiye volki
    Spanish (LatAm) Lobos del cementerio
    Spanish (Spain) Lobos del cementerio
    Swedish Kyrkogårdsvargarna
    Turkish Mezarlık Kurtları

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    They are known as Wolves in the game.

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Loups
    German Wölfe
    Italian Lupi
    Spanish (Spain) Lobos


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Original research by Dan's Friend.
    2. MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
      1. Graveyard Wolves entry in the Book of Gallowmere in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
    3. MediEvil Rolling Demo. Developed by SCEE Cambridge Studio. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment in September 1997.


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