Skeletal Mummies

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Skeletal Mummies
Biographical information
AKA Anubis Mummies, Anubites, Skeletal Mummy Monsters[1]
Gameplay information
Soul type Major Evil[2]
Health 100 HP[2]
Behind the scenes information
Appears in

Skeletal Mummies were monsters found inside sarcophagi in the Museum in Kensington.



The mummies attack by jumping rapidly towards Dan and clawing at him or shooting out 4 beams to the north, south, east and west. They are invincible during this attack, so it is better to slay them once they stop doing it. They first appear after Dan gets the key to the town house in the depot. The easiest way to defeat them would be to get to a place where they are out of your reach and shoot them with one of your projectile weapons (Ex: Pistol).



  1. MediEvil II: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Published by Dimension Publishing in 2000.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Original research by sLalle.


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