Harvester Part

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    (Redirected from Harvester part)
    Harvester Part
    Icon(s) Harvester Part Combine Harvester Part
    AKA Combine Harvester Part
    Flavour text A cog is a Dan's best friend.
    Type Item / Artifact
    Found in Scarecrow Fields (PSP)
    Used in Scarecrow Fields (PSP)
    Appears in MediEvil MediEvil (1998)
    MediEvil: Resurrection MediEvil: Resurrection
    MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil (2019)
    "The Corn cutting machine is missing a part. A cog fell off this miracle of modern agriculture and it hasn't worked since."
    ― A book, about the part.

    The Harvester Part was a missing piece of a machine in the Scarecrow Fields.


    While making his way through the Scarecrow Fields, Sir Dan found a broken down corn cutting machine in a barn. He later found its missing part and repaired the machine, allowing him to access previously unreachable areas of the fields.



    This part of the harvester is required to collect the Chalice in the Scarecrow Fields. Sir Dan has to do some backtracking in order to use it on the harvester as the part is located near the level exit, past all the processing machines. Once the harvester is repaired, it will crash through the barn wall and cut a new path through the fields.

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    "Note to repairman:

    My new-fangled corn-cutting machine is missing a cog. I've gone back to traditional methods, but I'm not sure kicking my wife out at dawn with a scythe and a pie is going to get the harvest in time. Can you locate a replacement part and fix it?"
    ― Signed, The Farmer.

    Collecting the Combine Harvester Part is not optional unlike in the original game, as the combine needs to be repaired in order to reach the Earth Rune. The part can be found by guiding some chickens near the barn to feed.

    In other languages


    Language Official Name
    Arabic الجزء الحاصد
    aljuz' alhasid
    Bulgarian Част от комбайн
    Chast ot kombaĭn
    Croatian Dio kombajna
    Czech Součástka kombajnu
    Danish Del til høstmaskine
    Dutch Oogsteronderdeel
    Finnish Leikkuupuimurin osa
    French (France) Pièce de moissonneuse
    German Mähdrescherteil
    Greek Εξάρτημα του Θεριστή
    Exártima tou Theristí
    Hungarian Kombájnalkatrész
    Italian Pezzo della mietitrice
    Japanese 刈り取り機の部品
    Karitoriki no buhin
    Norwegian Høstemaskindel
    Polish Część żniwiarki
    Portuguese (Brazil) Peça de Colheitadeira
    Portuguese (Portugal) Peça da ceifeira
    Romanian Piesa Secerătorului
    Russian Деталь комбайна
    Detal' kombayna
    Spanish (LatAm) Pieza de cosechadora
    Spanish (Spain) Pieza de la cosechadora
    Swedish Del till Skördemaskinen
    Turkish Biçerdöver Parçası

    MediEvil: Resurrection

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Pièce de moissonneuse-batteuse
    German Erntemaschinenteil kombinieren
    Italian Pezzo della mietitrebbiatrice
    Spanish (Spain) Pieza de la cosechadora


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