Severed Hands

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    Severed Hands
    Biographical information
    AKA Shy Hands[1]
    Gameplay information
    Soul type No soul
    Behind the scenes information
    Appears in

    • All levels (excluding boss battles)

    MediEvil (1998 original)
    That's Just Mean! That's Just Mean!
    Smash a severed hand.
    MediEvil 2
    Give a Hand, DanHand Give a Hand, DanHand
    Rescue all Hands in Kew Gardens.
    MediEvil (2019 remake)
    That's Just Mean! That's Just Mean!
    Smash a severed hand.

    Severed Hands were zombie hands that could be found frantically running around Gallowmere and London during the events of 1386 and 1886 respectively.


    Severed Hands manifested in 1386 during Zarok's return. They re-emerged 500 years later during the Autumn of Death. Sir Dan eventually learnt a new ability which allowed him to control them using his head.



    Smashing a severed hand with a Club or Hammer rewards Dan with 1 to 2G.

    Book of Gallowmere entry

    Dan's number one fans. They can't afford to lend a hand, but they'll follow you to the ends of the earth. Or at least, to the end of the graveyard.[2][2.1]

    MediEvil 2

    This time, they cannot be smashed by Sir Dan at all, but can be used for the Dan-hand ability instead.

    Behind the scenes


    MediEvil (1998 original)

    According to Tom Saunter, who served as a QA tester on the original game, Severed Hands used to deal damage. He compared them to low level enemies, such as the Goombas from the Super Mario series. He attributes the removal of this to himself.[3]

    MediEvil (1999 Japanese original)

    An extra digit was added to the severed hand model which previously only had four fingers. In Japan, the number four can be pronounced the same way as the word for death (shi), making it an unlucky number. Additionally, Japan has a class of people suffering from discrimination known as the burakumin who worked in professions such as meat packing. They became associated with having four fingers due to work-related accidents. Later, a four-fingered hand gesture directed at another person came to mean that you were calling them burakumin. Depicting four fingers thus became a sensitive issue in Japan.[4]

    Original version Japanese version
    MediEvil1998-SeveredHand.png MediEvil1999-SeveredHand.png


    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    Arabic الأيدي المبتورة
    al'aydi almabtura
    Bulgarian Отсечени ръце
    Ot·secheni rŭtse
    Croatian Odsječene šake
    Czech Useknuté ruce
    Danish Afhuggede Hænder
    Dutch Losse handjes
    Finnish Katkotut kädet
    French (France) Mains coupées
    German Abgetrennte Hände
    Greek Κομμένα Χέρια
    Komména Chéria
    Hungarian Levágott kezek
    Italian Mani mozzate
    Japanese うごめく手首
    Ugomeku tekubi
    Norwegian Avkappede hender
    Polish Odrąbane ręce
    Portuguese (Brazil) Mãos Cortadas
    Portuguese (Portugal) Mãos Cortadas
    Romanian Mâini Tăiate
    Russian Отрубленные руки
    Otrublennyye ruki
    Spanish (LatAm) Manos cercenadas
    Spanish (Spain) Manos cortadas
    Swedish Avhuggna Händer
    Turkish Kesik Eller


    1. MediEvil's design history by Jay Gunn Story Art.
    2. MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
      1. Severed Hands entry in the Book of Gallowmere in MediEvil 2019 icon.png MediEvil. Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on October 25, 2019.
    3. Facebook "It's true. They were equivalent to goombas or other low level baddies that we simply don't get any more: the one hit kill types. They had basic AI to follow Sir Dan and would pop up rather too often which was a massive pain. And they leached health like nobody's business despite no actual attack power, so really it [removing them] was my duty to the players!"Tom Saunter on Facebook.
    4. FAQ - OTHER on Oddworld Inhabitants. Retrieved January 8, 2025.


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