Pocket Watch

Revision as of 00:48, 6 November 2023 by DansFriend (talk | contribs)

The Pocket Watch was an item that belonged to the spell caster.

Pocket Watch
Requirement(s) Town House Key
Found in Kensington
Used in The Professor's Lab
Given to Professor Hamilton Kift
Appears in MediEvil 2 MediEvil 2


After being resurrected, Sir Daniel Fortesque was tasked with finding out who was behind the chaos in London by the Professor. During his mission in Kensington, Dan was able to find the room where the spell was cast. There, he found the Pocket Watch, which he took back with him for the Professor to analyse.

Later, the Professor informed Dan that the Pocket Watch belonged to Lord Palethorn.


The Pocket Watch is inside a chest hidden behind a stack of crates at the top floor of the Town House in Kensington. To get inside, the Town House Key is required. Daniel gives it to the Professor after the mission.

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