Spell Page

    From Gallowpedia, the MediEvil Wiki. You'll be dying to read!
    Spell Page
    Spell Page front. Spell Page back.
    Front and back of the spell page.
    Icon Spell Page
    Type Item
    Requirement(s) Lost Soul (12x)
    Golden Cog (2x)
    Found in Cathedral Spires, the Descent
    Used in The Demon
    Taken by Lord Palethorn
    Appears in MediEvil 2 MediEvil 2

    The Spell Page was the last part of Zarok's spell book that Lord Palethorn was missing. It was located in the heart of a cathedral in London.


    After the Bad Soul inside the cathedral was defeated, Sir Dan was able to obtain the last spell page of Zarok's spell book before quickly escaping the now-collapsing cathedral. However, Lord Palethorn later took the page from him, completing his control over the spell book.


    In terms of gameplay, the Spell Page does not serve a purpose; it is purely a part of the story, much like the Poster. The Spell Page is automatically collected and removed during intermissions.

    In other languages

    Language Official Name
    French (France) Page du grimoire
    German Zauberbuchseite
    Italian Pagina incantesimo
    Portuguese (Portugal) Página do Livro dos Feitiços
    Russian Страница книги заклинаний
    Stranitsa knigi zaklinaniy
    Spanish (Spain) Página de hechizos


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